The Oppressed

The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.
Oppressed people are those whose rights are being trampled upon or being violated or intimidated by another or other individuals. A man will patiently put up with the bad things that happen to him because of nature or his own actions, but he will worry or even be enrageed when his neighbour treats him unfairly. The lack of comfort exacerbates the problem, which is why it is said of the downtrodden that “they have no comforter”. The oppressors are unwilling, and the oppressed cannot be helped or relieved by the oppressors. The result of this oppression on the oppressed that depression slowly begins take hold, with the potential to develop into despondency. The saints have always been at the right place at the right time to support the downtrodden. During His earthly mission, our Lord Jesus Christ focused on the underprivileged members of society (Acts 10:38). Christians are also urged to help the underprivileged, helpless, and downtrodden. This is a result of how marginalised and voiceless the poor, hungry, and downtrodden are in society. The first verse states that only God is able to bring about justice and judgement for all those who are oppressed. Christians are God’s offspring, and it is through them that He will bring about His justice and righteousness on earth. Jesus wants to cure us no matter how much the world rejects us, no matter what the world thinks of us, and no matter how oppressed we are! No one is too filthy or too sinful for the God of the oppressed!

O Lord, come and fight my battles, vindicate na and take care of my oppressors. Amen.
BIBLE READINGS:  Psalms 103:1-6

Oluwa se ododo ati idajo fun gbogbo awon ti a ni lara Psalm 103:6
Opolopo itumo ni a le fun iponiloju, awon ti a pon loju ni awon ti won ti gba eto won lowo won ti won si nri inilara. Inilara yi ma ngba omije loju awon ti a nilara. Inira je oun kan, sugbon sise oun ti ko to buru ju eyi lo. Eniyan le fi ara da oun ti o ba nsele si nitori oun ti o se , sugbon ko ni le gba ti enikeni  ba se aida sii. Isoro naa ma nga nigba ti ko ba si itunu. Oun ni won se so nipa ti a won ti a pon loju wipe ko si olutunu fun won. Iponiloju ti ma nfa ironu fun awon ti a pon loju yi, o si le di oun ti o buru si won lara. Ise awon ayanfe ni lati ran awon ti a pon loju lowo. Ni igba aye re, Jesu Oluwa wa fi oju si ara awon ti o wa ni isale ninu awujo Acts 10 :38. A ro awon kristeni ki won se iranlowo fun awon ti a pon loju, ti won ko ni iralowo. Nitori wipe, awon eniyan wonyi o ni eni ti o le ran won lowo. Ese bibeli yen so wipe, olorun yio mu idajo wa fun awon ti a pon loju. Omo Olorun ni awon Kristeni je, nipase won si ni yio fi mu idajo yi wa si aye. Jesu fe gba wa, bi aye ba tile ko wa, oun koun ti aye ba nro nipa wa, bi won ba se pon wa loju to, ko si eniti olorun ko le gba.

Oluwa, wa gba ija mi ja, damilare ki o si se oun ti o ye fun awon aninilara.
BIBELI KIKA: Psalm 103 :1-6

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