Why We Must Guard The Heart

Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts. Psalm 139:23

Whether they be prized possessions, activities, or experiences, we all have things that are dear to us. And what is nearest to our hearts is what we appreciate the most. We are cautioned in Proverbs 4:23 to keep an eye on our hearts since they contain our wealth and have the capacity for either good or evil. The heart is first filled with evil (Jeremiah 17:9), but when it is cleansed, we can behold the face of God (Matthew 5:8). We should not be surprised that we are urged to take all precaution to defend our hearts given the potential that exists inside us. How then do we purify ourselves and discover the innermost thoughts that Psalm 44:21 speaks of? Our all-knowing Father is the source of the solution. Both Hebrews 4:13 and Revelation 2:23 state that He is the one who “searches the minds and hearts” and that “all things are open and laid bare” to His view. Our part in this is to turn to the Lord for assistance. While we may not be aware of our own sin, God is. We too can pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart… and lead me in the everlasting road,” as David did in today’s text (Psalm 139:23-24).

Lord, let my thoughts and my heart be acceptable in your presence.
BIBLE READINGS:  Psalm 139:17-24


Ọlọ́run, wádìí mi, kí o sì mọ ọkàn mí; dán mi wò, kí o sì mọ ìrò inú mi. Orin Dafidi 139:23

Yálà o je ohun-ini ti o se iyebíye tabi ohun kan ti a feran lati máa śe, gbogbo wa lani ohun kan ti okan wa rọ̀ mọ́. Ohun ti o ba sunmọ okan wa naa ni okan wa yio mọriri. A kilọ fun wa ninu iwe Owe 4:23 lati pa ọkan wa mọ nitori nibe ni ọrọ ati agbara lati ṣ̣e rere tabi búburú wà. Ọkan kọkọ kun fun ibi (Jeremiah 19:9) ṣugbon nigba ti a ba wẹmọ, aó le ri oju Ọlọrun (Matiu 5:8). Ko yẹ ko ya wa lẹnu wipe a rọ wa lati pa ọkan wa mọ nitori awon agbara ti n bẹ ninu okan wa. Bawo la se le wẹ ọkan wa mọ́ ki a si mọ awon ohun ikọ̀kọ̀ inu okan gẹ́gẹ́ bi a ti kọ́ sinu iwe Psalm 44:23? Olorun onimọjulọ naa ni o le ba wa ṣe. Iwe Heberu 4:13 ati Ifihan 2:23 fihan wipe Olorun ni ẹni ti n wádìí okan ati wipe ohun gbogbo “wà nihoho ti a si ṣipaya fun oju rẹ.” Tiwa ni lati bèrè fun iranlọwọ. Bi awa ko tilẹ mo ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ wa, Oluwa mọ̀ọ́. Awa naa le gbadura wipe “Ọlọ́run, wádìí mi, kí o sì mọ ọkàn mí…. kí ó sì fi ẹsẹ̀ mi lé ọ̀nà àìnípẹ̀kun”, gẹ́gẹ́ bii Dafidi ṣe sọ ninu ẹ̀kọ́ ti oni. – Orin Dafidi 139:23-24.

Oluwa, jẹ́ ki ero mi ati okan mi jẹ́ ìtẹ́wọ́gbà ni iwaju rẹ. Amin
BIBELI KIKA: Orin Dafidi 139:17-24

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