Your Experience Matters

                                      YOUR EXPERIENCE MATTERS
“who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God”. 2 Cor 1:4 NIV

Sometimes in life, sharing our experience to help others is a positive thing to do.
In comforting others, you can share your own experience from the trying times you had gone through with the help of God to support those that are going through a similar situation.
For example, bereavement, divorce, debt, loss of property, joblessness, family crisis or illness etc. Jesus came as a human being, and He associated with our suffering as in Hebrews 4:15.
He is our compassionate High priest. He suffered, He was tempted, and He felt what we feel now. He can feel our physical and spiritual challenges now because He experienced them all. Also, as believers in Christ, we should learn this great lesson that all our past life challenges, experiences of any form, are useful for the support of other brethren that may have similar experiences.
This is a form of giving, while you are living; dedicate time and resources to become an encouragement to help others access the resources that God has deposited in you for their help.
Heavenly Father, help me to use my experience for other people that need my encouragement.
BIBLE READINGS: 2 Cor 1:3-11

                                             IRIRI RE SE PATAKI
“Eniti ntu wa ninu ni gbogbo wahala wa, nipa itunu naa ti a fi n tu awa tikarawa ninu lati odo Olorun wa, Ki awa ki o le maa tu awon ti o wa ninu wahala ki wahala ninu.” II Korinti 1:4
Nigba miran laye, siso iriri wa lati le ran omonikeji lowo je ohun ti o dara lati maa se. Lati fi eniyan lokan bale, tabi tu eniyan ninu, o le so iriri re ninu awon ipenija ti o ti la koja nipa iranlowo Olorun lati le mu ki igbagbo eni ti o wa ninu iru ipenija bee ki o le. Fun apeere, iku ebi tabi ojulumo, ikosile, gbese, pipdanu ohun ini, aini ise, rogbodiyan ninu ebi tabi aisan ati bee bee lo. Jesu wa saye ni aworan eniyan, o si mo idanwo bi awa gege bi
Heberu 4:15.
On ni Olori Alufa, alaanu wa. O jiya, a danwo, o si ti ni iriri ohun ti a n la koja lowolowo. O si mo gbogbo idojuko ti a n la koja nipa ti ara ati nipa ti emi nitoriti o ti laa koja. Gege bi onigbagbo ninu Kristi, a ni lati ko eko nla yii, wipe gbogbo ohun ti a ti lakoja seyin, iru iriri ti o wu koje, ni o wulo lati ran igbagbo eni ti nla idojuko kan naa koja. Eleyi je ona kan ti a n gba fi fun ni. Ni iwon igba ti o si wa laaye, maa lo akoko ati ohun ini re lati se koriya, ati lati ran won lowo ki won le je awon anfani ti Olorun ti fun o lati le ran won lowo.
Baba, ran mi lowo kin le lo awon iriri ti mo ti ni sehin fun awon ti o nilo oro iyanju lati odo mi.
BIBELI KIKA: II Korinti 1:3-11

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