God, The Only Option




“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with  all thy might.” Deuteronomy 6:5 

God is the creator of heaven and earth and everything there in, and no other god ought  to be worshipped or served beside Him. We are beautifully made in ‘His own image’ to love and  serve Him, which is the primary reason for our creation. He provided us with everything we will  need to live comfortable lives. He knows our beginning to the end, even the deepest place of  

our hearts is not hidden from Him. Nothing about us is hidden, including the hows, whens and  why of our situations. For these reasons, why do we stray away to hide from Him who has  solutions to our lives’ challenges and begin to serve the little gods that have eyes but cannot  see, that have ears but cannot hear, that have hands and legs but cannot move? You will be  doing yourself a great favour to decide to come to the only Holy God that sent His only  begotten Son to die for our sins. Don’t allow complexity, sin, or storms of life to prevent you  from sharing in His love. The Lord will fill your heart with His love, forgive your sins and give you  victory over all stormy situations. The only thing you need is genuine repentance from all sins,  confess Jesus as your Lord and surrender all to Him, then begin to enjoy the grace and miracles  of God, plus eternal life.  


May the power that makes God the only option rest upon me from today in Jesus name. Amen BIBLE READINGS: John 6:35-40 


“Ki iwo ki o fi gbogbo aya re, ati gbogbo okan re, ati gbogbo agbara re fe Oluwa Olorun  re.” Deut 6:5 

Gbogbo eda eniyan ni o ye ki o mo wipe Olorun ni aseda orun ati aye ati oungbogbo ti o  wa ninu re. a da oungbogbo nipa imo re, ko si olorun miran ti ye lati sin lehin re. A da wa daradara ninu aworan re lati fe e ati lati sin in, eyi ni idi ti a fi da wa. O pese oungbogbo fun wa ti nilo lati fi gbe igbe aye irorun. O mo ibere wa titi de opin, gbogbo  ibi kolofin okan wa, kedere ni niwaju Olorun. 

Kosi oun ti o pamo nipa wa, ati oun gbogbo ti oyi wa ka, nitorina, ko ye ki a sapamo fun  eni ti o ni ona abayo si gbogbo ipenija aye wa, ki a wa maa sin awon olorun ti won loju sugbon  won ko reran, won leti sugbon won ko gboran, won ni ese sugbon won kole rin. O se ara re ni oore ti o ba pinu lati wa si odo Olorun mimo ti o ran omo re nikansoso lati ku fun  ese wa. Mase je ki isoro, ese tabi iji ayedi o lowo lati pin ninu ife re 

Olorun yio fi ife re si o lokan, yio dari ese jin o, yio si fun o ni isegun lori gbogbo iji. Oun ti o nilo ni kio yipada kuro ninu ese lotito. Jewo Jesu gege bi Oluwa re kio si jowo  oungbogbo sile fun, kio wa bere si ni gbadun oore ofe ati iyanu Oluwa ati iye ayeraye. (Eko Kika fun Oye:) 


Agbara tin fi Olorun nikan se ona abayo, je ki o ba lemi lati oni lo ni oruko Jesu. Amin.

BIBELI KIKA: Johanu 6:35-40 

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