The Author And Finisher Of Faith

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

The believers of Christ Jesus have a role model to look up to; as a matter of fact, in addition to a good example, however a God model. Jesus is a genuine model as He expressed nothing without being quick to make it happen. At the point when he said he cherished us, he demonstrated it by dying for us on the cross and when he said he was the resurrection and the life, he demonstrated it by his resurrection from the dead. He begins our faith and finishes it: He was tested at all cost and yet without sin. He knows all our problems and is ready to see us walk with Him as far as possible, through our faith. This is a significant key to having our faith fulfilled, eliminating the very things that keep us from looking at the author and finisher of our faith.
We are the ones who need to do the looking, Jesus will begin and finish the faith He started in us. In the event that you really do require somebody to rely on, look no further, shift focus over to Jesus Christ, the creator and finisher of our faith.


Father Lord grant me the grace to rely on you and look up unto you in all things Amen




“Ki a maa wo Jesu Olupilese ati alasepe igbagbo wa…” Heberu 12:2

Awon ti o Gbagbo ninu Kristi, won ni eni ti won le maa wo awokose re, apere rere at Eni bi olorun. Jesu je apere rere nitori oun ti o ba so, o ma nse ni kiakia. Ni igba to so fun wa wipe oun
ni ife wa, O fihan funwa nipa iku ori agbelebu. Nigba to so wipe oun ni ajinde ati iye, o fi han fun wa ni igba to jinde kuro ninu oku. Oun ni ibere ati alasepe igbagbo wa. A danwo ni gbogbo ona sibe koni ese. O mo gbogbo isoro wa o si setan lati ba wa rin nipa igbagbo. Oungbogbo ti yio dena wa lati mase wo Ibere ati alasepe igbagbo wa, o ye ki a mu awon oun naa kuro, eyi ni kokoro lati se imuse igbagbo wa. Awa lo ye ki a ma wo, Jesu ni yio se ibere ati asepe igbagbo ti o bere ninu wa. Ti o ba nilo eni ti o le farati, fi afojusun re si odo Jesu Kristi, Olupilese ati alasepe igbagbo wa.


Baba E fun mi ni oore ofe lati gbe ara le yin ki nsi le maa gboju soke si yin fun oungbogbo.Amin.

BIBELI KIKA: Heberu 12

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