Forgive And Forget

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another Ephesians 4:32
When someone wrongs you gravely or not, it is inevitable that the offender owes you, and the obligation has to be paid in some way. God atoned for their transgressions in the Old Testament with the blood of goats, sheep, and bulls (Psalms 32:1). This implies that God only needs to remove the cover in order to remember their sins. However, according to the New Testament, when Jesus Christ died, He atoned for human sin with His blood; in other words, the blood of Jesus is superior than animal blood because it atones for all sins, including those of the conscience. Because of this, when we beg God to forgive our sins, He does so and no longer recalls them. Christians are urged to learn from God in this way. Human nature makes it difficult for us to quickly forget the transgressions of individuals who have harmed us, but we should make an effort to do so. When we ask the Holy Spirit to assist us in forgiving and forgetting, which will be beneficial to us personally, that is when He enters the picture.It can be difficult to forgive, and it is nearly hard to forget. But grace encourages us to recall. By refusing to forgive and forget, you are preventing God from working in you. It negates his capacity to atone for your wrongs and alter the course of your suffering.

Holy Spirit direct my path to forgive those who have erred me in truth and honesty, and not to relive the wrongdoings. Amen.
BIBLE READINGS:  Ephesians 4

E ma sore fun omonikeji yin, e ni iyonu, e ma dariji ara yin Efesu 4:32
Bi eniyan ba se o, eniyan naa je ajigbese re, o si ni lati san gbese na ni ona kan tabi omiran. Ninu majemu lailai, eje agutan ati ewure ati maalu ni won fi nse awenumo ese ki a le fi ese won ji won (Ps 32:1). Ninu majemu titun, nigba ti Jesu ku, o fi eje re se awenumo ese eniyan. Eyi tunmo si wipe, eje Jesu lagbara ju eje eranko toriwipe o nse awenumo ese. Nitori eyi, ti a ba bebe fun idariji lodo Olorun, o ma ndariji wa, ko si ni ranti ese wa mo. O ye ki awa Kristeni ki a ko eyi lati odo Olorun. Iseda wa gegebi eniyan ko je ko rorun lati tete gbagbe aise dede  eniyan si wa sugbon o ye ki a gbiyanju lati se. Ti a ba ni  ki Emi Mimo ran wa lowo lati dariji ati lati gbagbe, eyi ti yio se wa ni  anfani, igba naa ni yio bo si oju ise. O  soro lati dariji, o si le lati gbagbe sugbon oore ofe yio je ki a le se.Bi o ba ko lati dariji ati lati gbagbe, o ndi Olorun lowo lati sise ninu re. O tako agbara re lati se awenumo ese re ati lati yi ijiya re pada.

Emi mimo, dari ipa ona mi lati dariji awon to se mi lotito ati lodododo, ki nsi gbagbe asise won. Amen.

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