Christ In You

“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27

Using the Law of electricity which describes how current flow in conductors is quite similar to how Christ works in a man. One law that guides the flow of electricity says that the purer the conductor the easier it is for the current to flow. In other words, the more impurities in the conductor, the more resistance to the flow of the current. For the Holy Spirit to flow freely, our life must be free of impurities, because the more impurities you harbour in your heart the greater the resistance against the flow of the light of Christ. Christ is knocking on the door of your heart if you open He will come in and use you for His glory it is a choice you have to make. Remove every resistance to God’s will if you want Christ to dwell in you richly.

Help me Holy Spirit to remove every impediment to the flow of your light in my life in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen
BIBLE READINGS:  Colossians 2:6-11


“Àwọn ẹni tí Ọlorun yóò sọ ohun tí ó jẹ́ ọro ògo,ohun ìjìnle yìí di mímo fún láàárín àwọn aláìkọlà; èyí tí í e Kristi nínú yín, ìrètí ògo.” Kólósè 1:27

Lilo Ofin ti ina manamana eyi ti o ṣe apejuwe bi Ina ti se maa n wonu oun awon amunatan ni o farape bi Jesu se n sise Nínú eniyan. Òfin kan tó ń darí bí iná mànàmáná ṣe ń ṣiṣe sọ wipe; bi oun amunatan ba se mo to ni ma n so bi o ti rorun to fun Ina láti rin koja. Ni awọn ọrọ miiran, bi egbin ba se po to Nínú oun amunatan naa ni idiwo se maa n po to láti koja. Fun emi mimo láti se ise Lai si idiwo, ìgbésí ayé wa gbodo bo lowo àwọn ohun egbin, nítorí pé bí egbin bá ti po tó nínú ọkàn yín tó, be náà ni àtako yoo se po to fun imole Kristi. Kristi n kan ilẹkun ọkan rẹ ti o ba ṣii Oun yoo wọle yoo si lo ọ fun ogo Rẹ.  O jẹ oun ti o gbudoyan lati ṣe. Mu gbogbo atako kuro si ifẹ Ọlọrun ti o ba fẹ ki Kristi gbe inu rẹ lọpọlọpọ.

Ran mi lowo Emi Mimo lati mu gbogbo idiwo kuro ti Koni je ki Ina re ki o tan  ninu aye mi ni oruko Jesu Kristi. Amin
BIBELI KIKA: Kólósè 2:6-11

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