God Is Not A Magician

…And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights. On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark… Gen. 7:12-13 NIV

The flood of Noah was an Act of God, but it unfolded and ended like a Natural Disaster. The water did not appear and disappear overnight; Noah was in that boat for 11 months! This tells us God always follows natural progression when doing things. He can speed it up, or shortcut it. He can even make obstacles disappear, but He always follows process. So when we are believing God for a miracle, we should be on the lookout for that process He wants us to follow. Rather than be expecting to ask and receive the ‘miracle’ instantly. That is magic! Our God is not a Magician; He is a Miracle Worker!!

Heavenly Father open my eyes to the process you want me to follow to obtain the things You have promised me, in Jesus name Amen.
BIBLE READINGS:  Gen. 7:10 – 24 NIV


Òjò àrọ̀ìrọ̀dá sì rọ̀ fún ogójì ọ̀sán àti ogójì òru. Genesisi 7:12

Ikun omi nigba Noa je amuwa Olorun, sugbon o sele bii ajalu adayeba. Ikun omi yii ko wa ko si tan ni oru kan. Noa wa ninu oko fun osu mokanla. Eyi fihan wipe Olorun a maa lo ilana iseda owo re lati se ise re. O ni agbara lati muse ni kiakia, tabi ki o ge kuru. O lee mu oun idiwo kuro, sugbon Oluwa maa n tele ilana. Nitorina, nigba ti a ba n gbagbo ninu Oluwa fun iyanu kan, e je ki ma sona fun ilana ti yio gba se ise re. Ki a mase ro wipe ao bere ao si rigba lesekese. Eleyi lee je alupayida sugbon Olorun wa kii se alalupayida. Onise iyanu ni Olorun wa!

Baba Orun, la oju mi si ilana ti O fe ki n tele lati le gba ileri ti O se fun mi, ni oruko Jesu. Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Genesisi 7:10-24

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