Murmuring Displeases The Lord 




“And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord; and the Lord heard it; and His  anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them and consumed them that  were in the uttermost parts of the camp.” Numbers 11: 1 

There is a difference between expressing displeasure at a situation and complaining. In the context above, the children of Israel ‘murmured’, ‘rebelled’, ‘spoke’ against God, because  they felt that God had denied them their important needs.  

They questioned the competent authority of God to meet their needs. They were quick  to forget the great deliverance God wrought for them in the past.  

Rather than ask in prayer and supplication, they staged a rebellion. God is absolute in  power, authority, and rules justly. The reasons for their complaints were unjustified because they were consumed with lust for temporal things – food. Destruction was the consequence of  their unjust complaints. 

Let us learn to hold God with uttermost reverence and approach Him with holy fear and  humility. We are encouraged to bring our petitions, requests, pains, hurts before God, in  humility, and not with an arrogant feeling of entitlement. 


Father, teach me to use my tongue wisely in Jesus name. Amen 

BIBLE READINGS: Leviticus 11:4-10 



Awon enia naa nse irahun, won n so ohun buburu li eti Oluwa, nigbati Oluwa si gbo, ibinu  Oluwa si ru, ina Oluwa si ran ninu won, o si run awon ti o wa ni opin ibudo naa. Numeri  11:1 

Iyato wa ninu ki eniyan so ohun ti ko fe ati ki o maa rahun. 

Ninu eko ti a kaa ni, awon omo Isreali kun. Won rahun, won si sote si Olorun, nitoriti won ro  wipe Olorun ko fun won ni ohun ti won nfe. 

Won ro wipe Olorun ko le pese ohun ti won fe, won ti gbagbe ise iyanu ati itusile ti o se  fun won. 

Dipo ki won beere ninu adura ati ebe, won sote. Olorun lo ni gbogbo agbara, ase, o si n joba  pelu ododo. Ko tile si idi Pataki fun irahun won nitoriti won kun fun ifekufe ohun igba die ounje, irahun won si mu iparun ba won.  

E je ki a ko lati fi owo fun Olorun, ki a wa si iwaju re pelu iberu mimo ati irele. A rowa pe  ki a gbe ebe, ibeere, edun ati isoro wa to Olorun wa ni irele ti kii si se ki a maa wo wipe eto wa  ni. 


Baba, ko mi lati maa lo ahon mi daradara ni Oruko Jesu. Amin 

BIBELI KIKA: Lefitiku 11:4-10 

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