Seed-Time & Harvest




“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and  winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8:22″ 

In the opening scripture, God founded the principle of seedtime and harvest: Seedtime  and harvest are never going to cease.  

This is true in every aspect of life. The greatest inheritance that we can leave behind, is  not money, nor houses, nor worldly wealth, but the greatest seed of the message of hope and  inspiration to the lost and dying world.  

Everything that you have been through in your life, and come through victoriously  through God Almighty, is a testimony to people surrounding you. A man reaps what he sows.  The one who sows to please the sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction;  the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become  weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us go about sowing the seed of God’s goodness to all  people and in due time we shall have a bountiful harvest of God’s greatness in the lives of God’s  people. 


O Lord, grant me the grace to sow a good seed so that I can reap a good harvest. Amen. BIBLE READINGS: Galatians 6:6-10 



“Niwon igba ti aye yio wa, igba irugbin ati igba ikore, igba otutu ati oru, igba erun on ojo,  ati osan ati oru, ki yio dekun.” Genesis 8:22 

Ninu eko ti a ka, Olorun se agbekale igba irugbin ati igba ikore, igba irugbin ati ikore ki  yio dekun. 

Oro yii se ni gbogbo ona. Ogun ti o ga julo ti eniyan le fi sile, kii se owo, ile, tabi oro  aye,sugbon irugbin nla ti oro ireti ati itaniji si awon ti o sonu tabi ti n ku lo.  Ohun gbogbo ti o ti la koja laye re, ti o si ti segun nipa agbara Olorun jasi eri fun awon  eniyan ti o yi o ka. Ohun ti eniyan ba funrugbin, ohun naa ni yio ka. 

Eni ti o ba funrugbin sipa ti ara, nipa ti ara ni yio ka idibaje, sugbon eniti o ba furungbin  sipa ti emi, nipa ti emi ni yio ka iye ainipekun. E mase je ki agara o da wa ni rere ise, nitori awa o  ka nigbati akoko ba de, bi a ko ba se aare. Nje bi a ti n ri akoko, e je ki a maa furungbin oro  Olorun ati oore re sinu aye gbogbo enia, ni akoko re, a o kore opolopo ise iyanu ati titobi  Olorun ninu aye awon eniyan re. 


Oluwa, fun mi ni oore-ofe lati furungbin rere, ki n ba le kore rere. Amin 

BIBELI KIKA: Galatia 6:6-10

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