Taking Your Stand In Times Of Crisis And Trials

Then Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. Matthew 4:1. NLT.

Reading the above scripture, it seems that the main purpose of Jesus going into the wilderness was to be tempted by the devil and not just to go and pray for 40 days and nights.
Pondering over this, it became clear that it was important for Jesus to be tempted by the devil just to affirm who He really is, His identity as the saviour of the world and the second Adam before starting his ministry. We know as the bible told us that Jesus began his ministry after this encounter. So how do we relate to this? When we go through trials and challenging situation as children of God, we can boldly say that God allows it for a purpose not because of SIN though! And a very important accomplishment for us is that when we are able to demonstrate our stand in the Lord by not giving in into these trials. We’re also affirming our identity in Christ and that in itself helps and encourage our faith to be stronger and deeper, and our father is also glorified in these situations. So, if you’re going through any challenging situation at this time, know that God has a purpose for it and it is an opportunity for you to affirm your stand and identity in Christ because He has already made a way of escape for you. Please do not give in to the trials.

Lord help me to stand strong in face of trials and challenging situations in my journey of life.
BIBLE READINGS: Matthew 4:1-11.


Nigbana ni a dari Jesu si iju lati owo Emi lati danwo lowo esu. Matiu 4:1

Ti a ba ka eko Bibeli yii, a o ri wipe o dabi nitori ki a le dan Jesu wo ni a se ran lo si Iju ki n se lati kan lo gbadura fun ogoji osan ati oru. Ti a ba woo yeke, a o ri wipe o di dandan lati dan Jesu wo nitori ki a le mo eni ti Jesu je gege bi Olugbala araye. Beeni a si mo wipe leyin eyi ni Jesu bere ise iranse Re. Nigba ti a ba n la isoro koja gegebi Omo Olorun, ki awa naa le mo daju wipe o wa fun idi kan, kii si se nitori ese rara. Nipa eyi, ni a fi mo bi a se je ninu Jesu Kristi, ti yio si mu ki igbagbo wa duro sinsin ti yio si gbinle gidi. Nitori naa, ti a ba n la isoro koja ni asiko yii, e je ki a mo wipe lati owo Olorun ni, a ti wipe isoro naa ko le bori wa. E jowo, e mase gba fun idanwo na lati bori wa.

Oluwa, ran mi lowo lati le duro sinsin ninu idanwo ninu irin ajo aye mi. Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Matiu 4:1-11

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