The Burning Bush


“And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, here am I.” Exodus 3:4

When Moses saw the burning bush at Horeb, it caught his attention. So, he said, “I will go up and see this strange sight – why is there fire and yet the bush is not consumed.” When he got closer, something amazing happened: God spoke to him from the midst of the burning bush. As children of God, there are times when we are faced with a ‘burning bush’ kind of situation. A situation that does not make any sense, a disturbing situation that looks like it is going to consume everything around us and lead to ruin. It could happen to your finances, marriage, career, or your health. Brethren, God is using that situation to draw you to Himself.

Approach your ‘burning bush’ situation as though God is trying to talk to you from the midst of it. Do not be distracted by the fire of your situation but be eager to hear the voice of God. Though it burns, you shall not be consumed!


Father, give me the strength to approach every situation of my life with courage, so that I may receive your Word concerning my life. Amen
BIBLE READINGS: Exodus 3:1-5



“Nigba ti Oluwa rii pe o yipada si apakan lati wo o, Olorun ko sii lati inu aarin igbe naa wa, o si wipe, Mose, Mose, O si dahun pe, Emi niyi.” – Eksodu 3:4

Nigba ti Mose ri igbe naa ti n jo ni Horebu, o kiyesi i. Nitorina, o wipe “nje emi yio lo wo iran ajeji yii, eese ti ina fi n jo igbe ti igbe naa ko si run”. Nigbati o sunmo itosi, ohun iyalenu sele: Olorun baa soro lati inu igbe naa. Gege bi omo Olorun, awon akoko kan wa ti a maa ni idojuko ti o dabi ti igbe ti njo, isele ti ko mu ogbon dani, awon isele ti n mu iporuuru okan wa, ti o si dabi eni pe yio ba gbogbo ohun ti mbe ni ayika wa je, ki o si mu iparun wa. O le sele si isuna re, igbeyawo re, ise re tabi ilera re. Ara, Olorun nlo isele naa lati fi fa o sodo on tikarare. Sunmo igbe ti njo ninu aye re gege bii pe Olorun nfi ipo ati aye naa ba o soro lati inu re wa. Mase je ki okan re ki o daru nitori ina irufe aye ti o wa sugbon tara sasa lati gbo ohun Olorun. Bi o tile jo, ki yio jo o run.


Baba, fun mi lagbara lati dojuko gbogbo isoro mi pelu igboya, ki emi le gba oro re fun aye mi. Amin.

BIBELI KIKA: Eksodu 3:1-5

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