“When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain,  that nothing be lost.” John 6:12 

The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand is one of the most inspiring stories in the  Bible and it is often used to encourage brethren to believe in God’s great power and mercy.  Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand reminds us of Jesus’ compassion for His people. The  character of Jesus is exhibited in this part of the passage. His compassion is without bounds  that even if He had traveled far, healed the sick, and did so many things, His priority was still  the crowd that followed Him (John 3:16). 

This scenario of Jesus feeding 5,000 people supports the fact that Jesus is the Lord that  saves His people. His compassion is so boundless that He gave His life for His children who are,  by the way, sinners.  

Beloved, there are many times when we are asked by God to help others in need, especially around us. That is similar to the very scenario that happened during the feeding of  the five thousand. 


My Lord Jesus, grant me grace to have compassion for people around me as you had for the  five thousand people. Amen  

BIBLE READINGS: Matt. 11:28-30, Matt. 8: 16-17, Matt. 18:11-13 



“Nigbati won si yo, o wi fun awon omo-ehin re pe, E ko ajeku ti o ku jo, ki ohunkohun ma  se segbe.” Johanu 6:12 

Itan bi Jesu se bo egberun marun eniyan, o je itan ti o ru ni soke ninu bibeli; a si ma a fi  ngba awon arakunrin ati arabirin niyanju lati gba agbara nla Olorun ati aanu re gbo. Bibo egberun marun eniyan nran wa leti ikaanu ti Jesu ni fun awon eniyan Re. Iwa Jesu je  yo ninu ibi ti a ka ninu iwe mimo. Ikaanu Re ko ni a fi we, bi o tilejepe ninu irinajo ti o rin, o se  opolopo ise iyanu bi imularada awon alaisan. Pataki ninu okan re ni awon ero ti won  tele.(Johanu 3:16)  

Iru ise nla ti Jesu se lati fun egberun marun eniyan ni onje se atilehin otito pe Jesu gba  awon eniyan Re la. Ikaanu Re ko l’egbe nipa fifi aye Re le le fun awon omo Re, awon eyi ti o je  elese. 

Ayanfe opo igba ni igbati Olorun maa nso fun wa lati ran awon ti o wa ni ayika wa lowo ti  o je afarawe ohun ti o sele nigba bibo egberun marun eniyan. 


Jesu Oluwa mi fun mi ni ore-ofe lati le ni ikaanu fun awon ti o wa layika mi: bi E ti se ni fun  egberun marun eniyan. Amin 

BIBELI KIKA: Matt. 11:28-30, Matt. 8: 16-17, Matt. 18:11-13 

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