MAY 20 FRI 2022 

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not”. John 1: 5 The book of John uses the image of light to help explain who Jesus is. God created the  world in the beginning and later sent his only Son (Jesus) to save it, because it was broken by sin  and death. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, they brought this curse  on all of God’s creation (Genesis 3). The world that God once called good has since been  afflicted with conflict, isolation, sickness and grief. And sin has estranged us from the God who  created us.  

Our sin continually forms a barrier between us and our creator. Maybe as you are  reading this devotional message you are feeling the effect of sin in your life, perhaps something  has happened that has left you feeling lost or confused or maybe you feel as if you are gripping  in the dark, looking for a light to guide your way. The Bible promises that the darkness you may  be experiencing in any way or form can never overcome the light of Christ. Like a lighthouse on  a rocky shore, Jesus offers us hope and a clear path to God. There is no sin or enemy that is  powerful enough to snuff out the light of God. He will always be victorious. If we place our faith  in Him, He will invite us to share in His light and victory. 


Lord, give me the eyes to see your light that shines in the dark places around me. AMEN BIBLE READINGS: Matthew 6: 22-23, Acts 26: 16-18, I The. 5:4-5 



“Imole naa si n mole ninu okunkun; okunkun naa ko si bori re”. Johanu 1:5. Iwe Johanu lo aworan imole lati se alaye eni ti Jesu nse. Olorun da aye ni atetekose, lehin  eyi o ran omo re kan soso lati gba a; nitoripe a ba aye naa je lati owo ese ati iku.  Nigbati Adamu ati Efa se aigboran si Olorun ninu ogba Edeni, won mu egun yi wa sori  gbogbo eda Olorun.( Genesisi:3). Aye ti Olorun pe ni daradara nigbakan ri, wa di ohun ti a nfi ija,  isodahoro, aisan ati ija da loro. Ese sa ti ya wa nipa kuro lodo Olorun wa. 

Nigbagbogbo ni ese je idena larin awa ati eleda wa. Boya o nka iwe ajumoka ojojumo yi  lowo; o si ni imolara nipa ese ninu aye re: tabi ohun kan sele si o, ti o fi o sinu iporuru, tabi ti o  dabi eniti o wa ninu okunkun; ti o nwa imole fun itoni. 

Awon ileri inu Bibeli fi ye wa pe, iriri inu okunkun ti o nla koja l’ona kan tabi omiran, ko le  bori imole Kristi; o dabi ile ti o ni imole lori apata eti odo, Jesu fun wa ni ireti ati ipa ona ti o ye  kooro si odo Olorun. 

Kosi ese tabi ota bi o ti wu ko lagbara, ti o le pa ina Olorun. Ao maa segun nigbagbogbo,  ti a ba ni igbagbo ninu Re yio pe wa lati je alabapin ninu imole ati isegun Re. ADURA 

Oluwa fun mi ni oju lati ri imole ti o ntan ni ibi okunkun ayika mi. Amin  

BIBELI KIKA: Matthew 6: 22-23, Acts 26: 16-18, I The. 5:4-5 

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