Is Christ In Your Vessel?

“What then shall we say to these things? if God be for us who can be against us” Romans 8:31

Life is a journey. It matters a lot who is the captain of your ship or vessel. When Jesus is in your vessel, you will be saved from tempest and storm. Why? He is the master over storms. As a believer, you’re supposed to be a carrier of the Lord's presence power and glory. Having Jesus as a captain of a vessel also means getting yourself insured against all eventualities, dangerous trials, and temptations that the enemy might bring your way in the journey of life. When God is in the vessel of your life, you will become his instrument of signs and wonders and fulfil your divine assignment. God was in the vessel of Moses’ life. He parted the Red Sea and the strong man pursuing him drowned with his chariots and army. God was in Elijah's vessel: he called down the fire of God, conquered the prophets of Baal. When Jesus is in your vessel, the lions of Satan will not be able to devour you. He shut the mouths of the lions of Daniel. The roaring lion seeking whom he may devour will find you untouchable in Jesus name. The Lord came as the fourth man in the fiery furnace and saved Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego. The fire could not hurt or burn them. In the same vein as you make the Lord your captain this year and beyond, He will be your present help in trouble, preserving members of your family in Jesus name.

Father let your presence go with me this year and give me rest in the name of Jesus Amen.
BIBLE READINGS: Zephaniah 3:17, Mark 4: 35-41


“Nje kili awa o ha wi si nkan wonyi? Bi Olorun ba wa fun wa, tani yio koju ija si wa?” Romu 8:31

Irin ajo ni aye je, eni ti ti o je ogako si se patako. Nigba ti Jesu ba wa ninu oko re, iwo yio bo lowo iji lile. Nitoriwipe oun ni alase lori iji. Gegebi onigbagbo, o ye ki iwalaaye Olorun, agbara re ati ogo re wa ninu aye wa. Ti a ba ni Jesu ninu oko wa, o tumo si wipe a ti ni agbara lati dojuko ajalu, idanwo ti ota le fe mu wa si ona wa ninu irin ajo aye wa. Ni gba ti Olorun ba wa ninu oko aye re, iwo yio di oun elo re fun ise ami ati ise iyanu, iwo yio si je ise
ti o ran o. Olorun wa ninu oko aye Mose, o la okun pupa. Awon alagbara ti won si nle won, won ba omi lo pelu keke eshin ati awom omo ogun won. Olorun wa ninu oko Elijah, O pe ina sokale lati orun, o bori gbogbo awon wooli baali. Nigbati Jesu ba wa ninu oko re, awon kiniun esu o ni le pa o je. O pa awon kiniun lenu mo fun Danieli ninu iho. Ni oruko Jesu, awon kiniun ti nbu ramuramu ti won wa eni ti won ma paje, won o ni ri o mu. Olorun wa gege bi eni Kerin ninu ina ileru lati gba Shadraki, Meshaki ati Abedinigo. Ina na ko si le jo won. Bakanna, bi o se nfi Olorun se ogako re lodun yi ati siwaju si, yio je lowolowo iranlowo fun o ninu iponju, yio si toju awon ara ile re ni oruko Jesu.

Baba, je ki iwalaaye re maa ba mi lo ni odun yi, ki o si fun mi ni isinmi ni oruko Jesu, Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Zeph 3:17, Marku 4:35-41

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